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Alpi Pioneer 200 construction number list

Full type:
Alpi Pioneer 200
Sort value:
Pioneer 200
Search aliasses:
Alpi, Pioneer 200
C/n known:
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Production run downYour sightings by construction number
1248115184243269NZ2007NZ2001610056-2526LAA 334-14912
2349126194245270NZ2008NZ201811025-2566LAA 334-14919
2756127206248303NZ2009NZ201914020-2737LAA 334-14958
3464128209249-09436NZ2010NZ2020PFA 334-14443LAA 334-15059
3867139211253NZ2002NZ20011NZ2021PFA 334-14569LAA 334-15250
4077147220255NZ2003NZ20012NZ2022PFA 334-14710
4192157225263NZ2004NZ2001302080-1744PFA 334-14712
4397158227267NZ2005NZ201407002-2210LAA 334-14828
46114167238268NZ2006NZ2001508029-2330LAA 334-14909