Wrecks & Relics app
- more than 20.000 locations worldwide and almost 50.000 aircraft
- find locations close to you in a simple overview
- start navigating to it immediately (external navigation app required)
- highlighted seen aircraft through a link to the Spottingmode Online Personal Aircraft Database
- check the aicraft you see on a location, to update the last note date and help fellow spotters
- customize the map display by hiding locations with only civil or military aircraft
The Wrecks & Relics overview on the Spottingmode website is actually what started the website. The list started first as a location based list only and later planes where added to each location. By now, the list comprises more than 12.000 locations and over 20.000 planes. And still growing on a daily basis.
The Wrecks & Relics list is fully integrated into the Spottingmode database, which mean planes linked to locations are also linked to all other overviews on the website. This makes it possible to see full fleet overviews per type for example, with direct links to the exact location where that plane can be seen on a stick, in a museum, or in any other way.
Moreover, the planes are also linked to the user sightings. If you keep your plane sightings in the Spottingmode database, you will be able to see planes you have seen already marked in the Wrecks & Relics lists, including in this app. All to make it easier for you to find the planes you still want to see!
How to use
Login with your Spottingmode account to view seen planes marked in yellow and to check all the planes at the locations you visit.
Viewing locations

All locations are loaded onto the map as you scroll around. Click on a pin to view the name and description of the location and click through on the name to view all details of the location.
Locations on the map can be filtered on military or civil locations. Go to the settings page and select what type of locations you wish to see. By default all are shown.
Likewise, planes linked to locations can be filtered on the service you wish to see. Air Force, Army, Police, Civil, etc.
Quickly find a location nearby
All nearby locations within an approximate distance of 25km (15mi) can be viewed at once, including all linked planes. This makes it very easy to quickly see if there is anything of interest nearby. Location sharing must be turned on on your device for this feature to work.
Please do note that displayed distances are calculated as the crow flies. Driving distance will be more in most cases.
Getting there

The Wrecks & Relics app does not provide a built in navigation system. However, besides displaying the coordinates of each location, it does provide an option to start navigation with other apps on your device. Click on a "Get directions" button to send a request to whichever navigation app you have installed. The request will include the precise coordinates, so you do not even have to copy the data.
Checking planes off
The nearby location list doubles as a checklist. Whenever you are at a location you can check all the planes with the checkbox in front of it. Not only does this provide an easy way of making sure you see them all, it also updates the last note date in the database. This of course, helps all fellow spotters who may follow you to that location.
Offline use
Each location can also be downloaded and stored on your device. As the map view will not be available if the device is offline, storing a location will ensure you can still view the location details, including linked planes. Stored locations will automatically be updated everytime you view the location while online.
Whenever the device goes offline the overview of stored locations will show up. From here you can also use the navigation option.
Adding a location and planes
Coming across a location not yet in the database? No problem, just add it right from the app! Click on the plus sign icon on the map, move the map so the exact location comes in the cross hairs and add it.
Found a new plane at an existing location? Also no problem, go to the detailed information about the location, scroll to the planes and hit the "add plane" button. Fill out the info (as much as is known) and the plane will be added.