Location name:
Pivka - Park of Military History, Slovenia
45.66734314N 14.18879604E
Last update:
27 December 2017
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
0313560313MiG-21F-13CzechoslovakiaAir ForcepreAs Yugoslav AF 22542May 24
64010640Mi-8TPolandArmypreMay 24
20693186206IAR.93MBRomaniaAir ForcepreMay 24
S5-HPB5714AB.212SloveniaPolicepreMay 24
TO-001028SA.341HSloveniaAir ForcepreMay 24
YU-CZCAero 3YugoslaviaAir ForcepreMay 24
10642F-84GYugoslaviaAir ForcepreMay 24
14325F-86DYugoslaviaAir ForcepreMay 24
60123/123Soko 522YugoslaviaAir ForcepreAs 23500May 24
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