Location name:
Shoreham, England, United Kingdom
50.83350754N 0.28942484W
Various i/a at Northbrook College
Last update:
5 November 2020
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
G-AWKXLC-303Be.A65-8200United KingdomCivili/aDec 18
G-SACD0385Ce.F172HUnited KingdomCivili/aJun 21
G-TOBY172-47852Ce.172BUnited KingdomCivili/aDec 18
XX491/K275Jetstream T.1United KingdomAir Forcei/aSep 24
G-AWVJ206Jetstream T.2United KingdomCivili/aDec 18
G-AVKL30-1418PA-30United KingdomCivili/a
WT80641H/670749Hunter GA.11United KingdomAir Forcei/aRemovedDec 18
XL929P66/87Pembroke C.1United KingdomAir Forcei/aRemovedDec 18
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