Location name:
Detroit Willow Run - Yankee Air Museum, Michigan, United States
42.23934937N 83.50801086W
Various (new location after fire destroyed the old location) - stored planes may not be at this location
Last update:
29 December 2016
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
148543/NP-69412736A-4CUnited StatesNavypre
152933I-237A-6EUnited StatesNavypreNose only
15921226052AH-1JUnited StatesMarine Corpspre
N75AN1G211-41An-2RUnited StatesCivilpre
52-14269RB-57AUnited StatesAir Forcestd
67-21416337M-0122O-2AUnited StatesAir Forcepre
N60802DHC-4AUnited StatesCivilstdAs USAF 62-4171
63-7555/AL592F-4CUnited StatesAir Forcepre
51-9361F-84FUnited StatesAir Forcestd
53-1060201-504F-86LUnited StatesAir Forcestd
56-0235128F-101BUnited StatesAir Forcepre
66-160065700UH-1HUnited StatesArmypre
1413111049A-4435EC-121KUnited StatesNavypre
N6813DPB4Y-2United StatesCivilstd
N451Y112PS-2United StatesCivilpre
N43YF77-452V-77United StatesCivilpre
52-7421RF-84FUnited StatesAir ForcepreRemoved
51-8786580-6570T-33AUnited StatesAir ForcepreRemoved
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