Location name:
St Mawgan - Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre, England, United Kingdom
50.44144440N 5.01400232W
Various - Museum closed, fate of airframes unknown
Last update:
30 May 2024
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
J-1649859Venom FB.50SwitzerlandAir ForcepreNose section only
WJ87471367Canberra T.4United KingdomAir ForcepreAs VN799Oct 21
XV753712016Harrier GR.3United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
WV256/D41H/670758Hunter GA.11United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
ZF58095277Lightning F.53United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
WL332/888Meteor T.7United KingdomAir ForcestdFor restorationSep 24
ZF62231-8052033PA-31-350United KingdomAir Forcepre
WV798/026AW.6059Sea Hawk FGA.6United KingdomNavypreDec 18
WL795/TShackleton AEW.2United KingdomAir ForcestdSep 24
WZ45015037Vampire T.11United KingdomAir Forcestd
WJ945619Varsity T.1United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
ZA148/G883VC-10K.3United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
KB976Lancaster B.10CanadaAir ForcestdRemoved
ZH763263BAC1-11-537GFUnited KingdomAir ForcepreRemovedDec 18
XK89504472Sea Devon C.20United KingdomNavypreRemoved
WT722/87341H/670689Hunter T.8CUnited KingdomNavypreRemovedDec 18
XP642PAC/W/17629Jet Provost T.4United KingdomAir ForcepreRemoved
WL349Meteor T.7United KingdomAir ForcepreRemoved
WR985/HShackleton MR.3United KingdomAir ForcestdRemoved
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