Location name:
Sevilla, Spain
37.40909576N 5.92816877W
Various i/a at ADA Superior Technological Institute
Last update:
13 July 2017
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
F-GVLL1081SA.316BFranceCivili/aInside Hangar 4Feb 24
F-GDNL434TB-20FranceCivili/aMar 24
80145014Bo.105MGermanyArmyi/aFeb 24
80495049Bo.105MGermanyArmyi/aInside hangar 4Feb 24
80735073Bo.105MGermanyArmyi/aInside hangar 4Feb 24
87446144Bo.105P1GermanyArmyi/aFeb 24
87666166Bo.105P1GermanyArmyi/aFeb 24
D-HGSUS-928Bo.105CBS-5GermanyCivili/aFeb 24
HA-LFZ2043SA.318CHungaryCivili/aFeb 24
I-ISAF/232148SA.315BItalyCivilpreFeb 24
...Ce.337SpainCivili/aAs EC-JMA, inside hangar 5
EC-IUT03-06-01-ARFlight Design CT2KSpainCivili/aFeb 24
EC-GN704/13/0223S-SPLand AfricaSpainCivili/a
N747WW27-4330PA-23-250United StatesCivili/aFeb 24
N191AM31P-7630012PA-31PUnited StatesCivili/aInside hangar 5
N44YM0609R.44United StatesCivili/aFeb 24
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