Location name:
Zaria, Nigeria
11.13519955N 7.68664122E
HS.125 i/a at Nigerian College of Aviation
Last update:
31 May 2018
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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
5N-AER25099HS.125-1B/522NigeriaGovernmentdltInteresting history; Built 1966, puch by Eastern Nigerian Govt. who declared as the independent state of Biafra in 1967, sparking the Nigerian civil war. A/C flown fm Europe to Port Harcourt, Biafra, in 09/67 and almost immediately damaged during Nigerian airforce air-raid on Pt Harct. Patched up and ferried to SaoTome where it sat hangered for 6 yrs. Civil war ended 01/70 with defeat of Biafra. HS surveyed a/c in 1974, declared it non flyable, and Nigerian AF air-freighted it to current location in a C130. see weblink for more...
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