Location name:
Yuma, Arizona, United States
32.64711761N 114.60897827W
AV-8, H-53, 2x MiG-21
Last update:
8 January 2024
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
944475089444MiG-21bisPolandAir Forcedum
954575089545MiG-21bisPolandAir Forcedum
56-04973105C-130AUnited StatesAir Forcei/aFuselage only - exact location unsure
15868965.362RH-53DUnited StatesNavydum
158705712102AV-8CUnited StatesMarine Corpsdum
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