Location name:
Kano, Nigeria
12.04714775N 8.52556038E
3x B747 (listed planes are not all at this specific location, unknown which is where)
Last update:
31 October 2018
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
5N-JRM23549B747-251BNigeriaCivilstdKabo Air
5N-MAD23547B747-251BNigeriaCivilstdKabo Air
5N-OOO20952B747-136NigeriaCivilstdKabo Air
5N-RRR19765B747-136NigeriaCivilstdKabo Air
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