Location name:
Albacete, Spain
38.94889450N 1.89682603W
Various as i/a at Centro Integral de Formacion Profesional Aguas Nuevas
Last update:
1 February 2023
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
HR.12B-15/ET-12442233OH-58ASpainArmyi/aSep 23
HR.12B-16/ET-12542234OH-58ASpainArmyi/aSep 23
HR.15-27/ET-146S4-467Bo.105LOHSpainArmyi/aSep 23
HA.15-47/ET-316S4-516Bo.105ATHSpainArmyi/aSep 23
TM.11-1/47-21253Da.20ESpainAir Forcei/aSep 23
EC-GCZ5037SA.365C2SpainCivili/aSep 23
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