Location name:
Wichita - Kansas Aviation Museum, Kansas, United States
37.63148880N 97.27328491W
Last update:
2 September 2012
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
51-2387450440WB-47EUnited StatesAir Forcepre
55-009417210B-52DUnited StatesAir Forcepre
56-365817407KC-135EUnited StatesAir Forcepre
N199FE19509B727-173CUnited StatesCivilpre
N29SW21340B737-2H4United StatesCivilpre
62-3838LF-36U-8FUnited StatesArmypre
N8283SNC-41Be.2000AUnited StatesCivilpre
N501CC501-0701Ce.501United StatesCivilpre
52-9089F-84FUnited StatesAir Forcepre
N505PF23-006Lj-23United StatesCivilpre
N492M245M18CUnited StatesCivilpre
N1473V1Pretty Prairie Special IIIUnited StatesCivilpre
NC563YStearman 4DUnited StatesCivilpre
C6191Swallow OX-5United StatesCivilpre
N1519580-5313TV-2United StatesCivilpreAs USAF 15133
58-197740402T-37BUnited StatesAir Forcepre
9689NS-1United StatesNavypreIdentity needs to be confirmed
67-21469337-0492O-2BUnited StatesAir ForcepreRemoved
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