Location name:
Southampton - Solent Sky, England, United Kingdom
50.89790344N 1.39305317W
Last update:
21 September 2012
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
VH-BRCSH.55CS.25AustraliaCivilpreSep 24
ZH763263BAC1-11-537GFUnited KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
G-ALZE1BN-1F FinibeeUnited KingdomCivilpreSep 24
WK570C1/0590Chipmunk T.10United KingdomAir ForcepreCockpit onlySep 24
XK740FL4Gnat F.1United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
XV760712023Harrier GR.3United KingdomAir ForcepreNose section onlySep 24
N248344Supermarine S6AUnited KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
XJ571/R-24210053Sea Vixen FAW.2United KingdomNavypreSep 24
XL770S2/5086Skeeter AOP.12United KingdomArmypreSep 24
G-APOIS2/5081Skeeter 8United KingdomCivilpreSep 24
PK683CBAF/236Spitfire F.24United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
TG263/PSaro SR.A/1United KingdomNavypreSep 24
XF114/G-SWIFSwift F.7United KingdomNavypreSep 24
XN2461185Cadet TX.3United KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
BB807Tiger MothUnited KingdomAir ForcepreSep 24
XE99815678Vampire T.11United KingdomAir ForcepreAs Swiss AF U-1215Sep 24
WZ753749Grasshopper TX.1United KingdomAir ForcepreRemoved
XD59615534Vampire T.11United KingdomAir ForcepreRemoved
WM571/VLSea Venom FAW.22United KingdomNavypreRemoved
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