Location name:
Comox - Heritage Park, British Columbia, Canada
49.70833588N 124.90859222W
Last update:
16 January 2018
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
18790690CF-100 Mk.5DCanadaAir Forcepre
107123CP-107CanadaAir Forcepre
1294412256CC-129CanadaAir ForcepreAs EZ671
11545711CC-115CanadaAir Forcepre
101030532CF-101BCanadaAir Forcepre
1240761.218CH-124ACanadaAir Forcepre
113104004CH-113ACanadaAir Forcepre
140107285B-5708CP-140CanadaAir ForcepreTo arrive soon
12188DH-87CP-121CanadaAir Forcepre
21471T33-471CT-133CanadaAir ForcepreForward fuselage only
133102T33-102CT-133CanadaAir Forcepre
53-4366B.116HH-21BUnited StatesAir ForcepreAs CAF 9641
104731683A-1031CF-104CanadaAir ForcepreRemoved
403896004038MiG-21MF-75Czech RepublicAir ForcepreRemoved
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