Location name:
Seoul - museum, South Korea
37.53595352N 126.97850037E
Last update:
22 March 2013
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
3131Y-5North KoreaAir ForcepreAs 31Aug 23
128MiG-15UTINorth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
207F-6North KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
2906629066AH-1JSouth KoreaArmypreAug 23
1007/KBuhwalSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
10-54122364C-46DSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
319911212C-119GSouth KoreaAir ForcepreIn USAF markings as 17996Aug 23
15054/T-054R172-0055T-41BSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
116837386U-6ASouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
40-7661063F-4CSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
89-046N.6412F-5ASouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
18-502173-635F-86DSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
24-308/FU-236191-4F-86FSouth KoreaAir ForcepreIn USAF markings as 49-1236Aug 23
12542693UH-1BSouth KoreaArmypreAug 23
1618210841UH-1HSouth KoreaArmypreAug 23
3442555.764HH-19BSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
15205OH-23GSouth KoreaAir Forcepre
7800620329DH.500MDSouth KoreaArmypreAug 23
05-0130501T-103South KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
029/KL-4JSouth KoreaArmypre
...KTT-3340F-10-002KTX-1South KoreaAir Forcepreprototype, no markingsAug 23
59203/KL-5GSouth KoreaAir Forcepre
11251722972O-1ASouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
16-95422826O-1GSouth KoreaAir Forcepre
K-205122-39953TF-51DSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
6595G-504S-2ASouth KoreaNavyprePreviously as 6707Aug 23
7703012278SA.319BSouth KoreaNavypreAs 770303Aug 23
82536121-43258AT-6FSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
17830/TA-830174-683T-28ASouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
35-129/TR-129580-8468T-33ASouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
21-36642024T-37CSouth KoreaAir ForcepreAug 23
55-010517221B-52DUnited StatesAir ForcepreAs 501512Aug 23
56-438920273C-123JUnited StatesAir ForcepreAs South Korea AF 10-389Aug 23
49-2007H-5HUnited StatesAir ForcepreAug 23
7274010845C-54DSouth KoreaAir ForcepreRemoved
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