Location name:
Spark Bridge, England, United Kingdom
54.25265884N 3.06581926W
Hunter, Lightning
Last update:
28 July 2019
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

More info on registration highlighting
RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
7907Su-7UEgyptAir ForcepreForward fuselage only
WK122R3/EA3/6636Canberra TT.18United KingdomAir ForcepreForward fuselage onlySep 24
XZ131712190Harrier GR.3United KingdomAir ForcepreForward fuselage only
WT711/DD-83341H/670678Hunter GA.11United KingdomNavypreAug 20
XS181PAC/W/22167Jet Provost T.4United KingdomAir ForcepreForward fuselage onlyDec 18
XM172/17295059Lightning F.1AUnited KingdomAir ForcepreDec 18
XS92295255Lightning F.6United KingdomAir ForcepreCockpit section only
ZF596B1/95028Lightning T.55United KingdomAir ForcepreNose section onlySep 24
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