Location name:
Jyvaskyla - Museum, Finland
62.38729858N 25.68170166E
Last update:
14 May 2013
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Planes at this location

Below is a list of planes linked to this location. An extra feature that highlights seen planes is available for registered users.

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RegistrationCnPlane typeCountryServiceStatusRemarksl/n
MT-507167271Bf.109G-6/YFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
BL-200VI/3Blenheim Mk.4FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
3C.30Br.14A2FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
MA-24Buzzard F.4FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
8F.41C.24FinlandAir Forcepre
FM-33FM-33CM.170FinlandAir ForcepreForward fuselage only
FM-45/AFM-45CM.170FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
FR-110III/11Fokker D.XXIFinlandAir ForcepreComposite airframe, parts from FR-81 and FR-137Jun 18
DO-425515C-47BFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
BW-37239BuffaloFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
SZ-42895Fw-44JFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
8F.12GL.22FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
GN-101FL8Gnat F.1FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
GN-104FL19Gnat F.1FinlandAir ForcepreAug 20
HM-671632567HumuFinlandAir Forcepre
HC-45241H/11096Hurricane Mk.1FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
NH-441106Il-28RFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
DK-22335-1312J-35XSFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
DK-23335-443J-35FSFinlandAir ForcepreCockpit only
DK-24135-448J-35FSFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
DK-26235-823Sk-35CSFinlandAir Forcestd
DK-27035-812Sk-35CSFinlandAir ForcepreAug 20
OH-HRC1811Mi-1FinlandBorder Protectionpre
HR-107114Mi-4FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
HS-113301Mi-8TFinlandAir ForcepreAug 20
MU-4722375MiG-15UTIFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
MG-92741721MiG-21F-13FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
MG-13675098129MiG-21bisFinlandAir ForcepreCockpit only
MG-13875084608MiG-21bisFinlandAir ForcepreAug 20
MK-103661416MiG-21U-400FinlandAir Forcepre
MK-126516999410MiG-21UMFinlandAir ForcepreAug 20
MS-52MS.50CFinlandAir Forcepre
PM-11PyörremyrskyFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
SF-291-348S.91DFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
SF-891-354S.91DFinlandAir ForcepreCockpit only
VT-815719Vampire T.55FinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
VH-18VihuriFinlandAir ForcepreJun 18
17091C-1709Lim-5PolandAir ForcepreNo serial, fantasy coloursAug 20
CA-8424C.60FinlandAir ForcepreRemoved
DO-11354DC-2-115EFinlandAir ForcestdRemoved
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